Name: Lauren Also Name: Aglariel Idhren-eithel Nickname: Maid Marien (a middle name derivative), Zozo (my little brother coined it when he couldn't say "sister" or Lauren") Location: TX, for now, but somewhere else eventually Occupation: Student/Musician
hmm. . . to write a short autobiography of my life. I was brought into this world on March 2nd, 1984 in St. Peter's Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ. I lived in NJ until I was 11 years old, at which time my family uprooted and moved to TX. And here I am. Still in TX. But all in all, I like it here (even if it is the Bubble, which is not very fun). I play jazz/classical piano and mostly legit Clarinet (with some occasional jazz thrown in), and I study. Which basically encompasses my life. well, not really. I read (a lot, but not as much as I'd like to), and when I have free time I dapple in the visual arts--needlework, attempts at drawing, and the like.
I am headed out to Waco, TX (pronounced Way-co, not Wacko, though perhaps the latter is an appropriate moniker as well) to attend Baylor University. Classes start on August 26th. i am a member of "BIC" (an interdisciplinary program that is my general studies section) and the honors program. hopefully i will be able to join the University Scholars program, which will allow me to be a self-designed major and take relevant classes to my grad school requirements. i hope to go straight through my Ph.D degree and get a professorship at a small college. |